Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wow! I haven't been around here in a while. I guess it is time to start blogging again now that the 4 people who used to read this thing have probably quit. I think shit making fun of Hitler is fucking hilarious, don't you? Check this OUT!!

The Cowboys fucking suck. Tony Romo is a bitch. Anyway, here is another one. It may not make sense to those of you that don't have an XBOX 360 (cheap ass Wii owners), but your probably smart enough to get the gist.

I know, I know. Fucking Hilarious. Apparently, there is a whole series of the XBOX version. Anyway, I'm going to go do something else now. I will leave you with this bit of internet phenomena that you probably have already seen, but I just can't help myself...

Steers and Queers!!!!

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