Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back to School!

In light of the crappy shape of the mortgage backed securities market, I have been thinking about going back to school. While doing a little research today, I think I have found where I want to go. Check it out!!!!!

This is suppose to be the part where I make fun of whatever picture/video that I post after my sarcastic intro, but not today. The pure gayness of the previous clip has left me speechless. This piss poor attempt at a recruitment video has had the exact opposite intended effect on me. Rather than further my education, I think I would rather be an illiterate wolf boy preying on co-eds instead. Lights Out!!!


jason said...

It's nice how they included lyrics for the deaf. Sure they emphasized the hotness, but i don't think a potential deaf student will be able to get the overall feel of the vid. they definitely should have used a lamer font. and {bad-ass guitar music plays}.

R D Hardcore said...

Let me tell you something about Appalachia - ITS COLD!

I froze my balls off. I left them on the side of a mountain for a bear to eat.